
The Potentials of Corpus Linguistics in Strengthening Critical Discourse Analysis

  • 摘要: 本文从批评话语分析与语料库语言学对话的基础、障碍以及方法三个方面展开讨论,旨在厘清和利用语料库语言学方法在批评话语分析中的作为空间。本文认为,语料库语言学无法在社会文化语境中对话语过程进行解释,无法处理意义潜势,而且尚难以进行高级阶的词汇语法分析。因此,其作为空间主要在于在上下文和互文语境中对语篇成品进行分析,对大量的已经实现了的意义表达方式进行批量处理,以及在低级阶进行词汇语法分析。本文据此提出具体的对话方法,以期借语料库语言学方法加强和丰富批评话语分析的研究。


    Abstract: The article aims to demarcate and tap the potentials of methods of Corpus Linguistics in strengthening Critical Discourse Analysis from the perspectives of dialogical foundations, barriers and measures.It is argued that Corpus Linguistics can not interpret the processes of discourses in sociocultural context, can not handle meaning potentials and still has difficulties in making lexicogrammatical analysis at higher ranks.Accordingly, the potentials are mainly as follows: analyzing texts as products in cotext and intertext, batch processing a large number of meaning actuals, and making lexicogrammatical analysis at lower ranks.Accordingly, some pertinent dialogical measures are proposed to strengthen and enrich Critical Discourse Analysis by borrowing methods from Corpus Linguistics.


