博采众长 述而不作陈荣捷英译《近思录》注释体系研究

Extensive Selection and Transmitting Without Creating: Annotation System in Wing-tsit Chan’s English Translation of Reflections on Things at Hand

  • 摘要: 本文探讨了陈荣捷《近思录》英译本中注释体系的基本特点。研究发现,陈荣捷的注释体系由标题及标题注、随文注和脚注三类注释构成,具有两大特点:广泛选材,博采众长;严格翻译,述而不作。具体而言,他在注释体系中广泛采纳了朱熹的著作、历代《近思录》注本以及日、朝学者的研究成果,从而丰富了译本内容。在翻译注释材料时,他严格遵循“述而不作”原则,准确传达理学义理,为英语读者深入理解理学思想提供了便利。这种注释策略不仅为典籍翻译提供了良好示范,且对中国传统文化的有效传播具有重要启示。


    Abstract: This paper explores the characteristics of the annotation system in Wing-tsit Chan’s English translation of Chin-ssu Lu (Reflections on Things at Hand, 1967). Chan’s annotation system, comprising chapter-rooted titles and preface notes, in-text citations, and footnotes, exhibits two notable features: extensive selection from diverse sources and strict adherence to the principle of “transmitting without creating”. Specifically, his annotation system draws on a wealth of material from Chu Hsi’s works, historical intra-lingual annotations and commentaries, as well as contributions from Japanese and Korean scholars, thereby enriching the translated text. When translating annotation materials, Chan rigorously follows the principle of “transmitting without creating” to accurately convey the essence of Neo-Confucianism, facilitating deeper understanding of Neo-Confucian thought for English-speaking readers. Such annotation strategies not only set an exemplary model for classical Chinese translations but also offer significant insights for the effective dissemination of Chinese traditional culture.


