解读同传的服务属性——从Daniel Gile的认知负荷模型谈起

On the Service Nature of Simultaneous Interpretation — Based on a Critical View of Daniel Gile’s Effort Model

  • 摘要: 从口译的服务属性与传播学视角来看,同传首先是一项交际服务,而后才是语言的转换。提供服务的译员在瞬间紧张而有序、“时隐时现”地进行着多重任务,帮助言听双方实现顺畅交流。Daniel Gile提出的认知负荷模型在很大程度上揭示了同传思维的工作模式,解释了译员面对认知负荷所作的处理。但美中不足的是,它似乎过于关注同传的语言输入与输出以及译员的“隐身”角色,而忽略了其交际服务属性与译员的“显形”角色,有损“言者—译者—听者”交际链与言听双方之间的交流效果。因此,有必要从译员的“显形”角色与受众服务意识出发对其进行修订与补充,这将有助译员进一步认识同传的交际服务属性,从而更好地监控语言输出的效果,提高同传服务的质量。


    Abstract: Given the service nature of interpreting and the perspective of communication studies, simultaneous interpretation (SI) proper is considered, first and foremost, a prompt communication service to facilitate the interaction between the speaker and the audience, and then a process of linguistic transformation with the interpreter playing several roles, invisible or visible, within winks of time under pressure.To reveal the mental processing of interpretation, Daniel Gile introduced the Effort Model, which is able to lay bare the mental execution of SI to a great extent and meanwhile account for interpreters’ efforts to handle cognitive loads.Unfortunately, the Model seems to emphasize too much on the linguistic inputs and outputs as well as the invisible role of the interpreter while tends to overlook the essential quality of SI as a communication service and the visible role of the interpreter, thus detrimental to the communication chain of “speakerinterpreterlistener” and the interactive effect between the speaker and the target audience.Therefore, the inclusion of the interpreter’s visible role and awareness of the audience in Gile’s Model seems to be a must for interpreters to better understand the service nature of interpretation, thus helping improve both SI services and linguistic outputs.


