
Coherence as an Issue in Philosophy of Language — Reflections upon a Forty Year History of Coherence Analysis

  • 摘要: 如果从Winterowd《连贯的语法》一文算起,那么国内外连贯研究已经有四十年的历史了。四十年来,连贯研究出现了语言形式研究、语用推理研究、功能语法研究和认知心理研究等四类方法。而且,这四类方法有一个共同的预设:连贯是篇章语言学的一个规则性概念。围绕这一预设的连贯研究,尽管成果丰硕,但始终未能解决连贯的理论化问题。究其原因,现有的连贯研究虽然认识到了“有衔接而无连贯”这一“恩克维斯特问题”,但未能清算该问题彰显出的认识论的“范畴错误”。在语言哲学视域下,连贯问题其实是一个语言哲学问题;连贯不是规则性概念而是规范性概念。因此,四十年后的连贯研究应该再进一步:应该开启连贯的语言哲学研究,从而探索乃至解决连贯的理论化问题。


    Abstract:  Ever since the publication of Winterowd’s The Grammar of Coherence, coherence analysis has witnessed four types of approaches during a period of forty years.The four approaches, the linguisticformal approach, the pragmaticinferential approach, the functionalgrammatical approach and the mentalcognitive approach, have been chained to a shared presupposition that coherence is a rulegoverned concept in textual linguistics.Based on this conception, a lot of papers and works have been published, but the theorization of coherence analysis remains unaccomplished.The reason is that coherence analysts have failed to avoid a category mistake in epistemology although they have noticed the Enkvist problem.It is held in this paper that coherence is a normative concept in the domain of philosophy of language.Therefore, coherence analysis should be conducted from the perspective of philosophy of language so as to theorize the concept of coherence.


