
Revisiting the Semantics of Progressive

  • 摘要: 近几十年来进行体研究赢得了广泛关注。国外语言学界不仅关注进行体在不同语言中的形态差异,更关注在普遍语法视野下的语义解释。本文重点介绍了形式语义学框架下进行体语义研究的主要进展:从基于时制逻辑的分析到基于事件的分析再到基于部分—整体关系的代数结构的分析。对进行体语义研究的深入,启发我们对汉语的相关现象做更深刻的审视:一方面,基于英语建立起来的对进行体的单一形式语义刻画,无法满足存在两个进行体标记(在/着)的现代汉语的情况;另一方面,传统的认为“在”和“着”只存在“动态/静态”的二元对立的分析,面临无法解释的问题。


    Abstract: The progressive has gained much attention over the past few decades.Researchers focus on two aspects: the morphological variations across languages and the universal semantics.This survey concentrates on the works in a formal semantics framework, evaluating the literature from temporallybased approach to the eventbased approach to mereologicallybased approach.We further argue that the analysis of the Chinese progressive needs more refinements to some extent, and a unified explanation drawn from the facts of English only cannot be applied to Chinese.Chinese has two distinctive progressive markers (Zai and Zhe) and the traditionally held dynamicity/stativity distinction between Zai and Zhe needs to be reexamined.


