
Syntactic Analysis of Pragmatic ElementsTa and Ge in “V-ta/ge-Quant” Construction

  • 摘要: “V它/个数量”结构是汉语中一种特殊的结构。在这一结构中,“它”和“个”都是表情成分,属于语用成分,均具有在非正式语体中表示主观量和表达情感与态度两种语用功能。在句法生成的过程中,二者均需与数量成分进行初次合并,但合并的位置与方式不同。“它”是人称(Person)中心词,能够在与数量短语合并后投射为PersonP,而“个”则是数量短语的附加成分,合并后不能继续投射。


    Abstract: “V-ta/ge-Quant” Construction is a special construction in Chinese. The two particles ta and ge are expressives, which belong to the domain of pragmatic elements, functioning to denote subjective quantity and express attitudes and emotions. Syntactically, they both take quantity expressions as their target at the stage of first merge, but their place and manner of merge are not the same. Specifically, ta is a Person head, which projects after merging with the NumP, while ge is an adjunct, which does not project after merging.


