
Douglas Robinson’s Contradiction of and Commentary on Walter Benjamin’s Metaphysics of Translation: With a Review of Translation as a Form: A Centennial Commentary on Walter Benjamin’s“The Task of the Translator”

  • 摘要: 本雅明的译论名文《译者的任务》既晦涩玄奥又繁复精深,一百年来,评释、评论、评述不计其数。自《翻译与禁忌》起,道格拉斯•罗宾逊多次论及该文,批驳本雅明取消交流、神秘主义的翻译主张,直至其新著《翻译作为一种形式:瓦尔特•本雅明〈译者的任务〉百年纪念评释》。该书以评释单元为基本结构,在接受本雅明神学神秘主义的前提下,将《任务》置于多重文化历史语境和理论视域,对其做了文献翔实、解析精辟、观点新颖的全文逐段评释,提出“翻译是一种‘柏拉图的形式’ ”等一系列关于本雅明翻译形而上学的新创见,并遵照本雅明的翻译理想首次做了全文行内对译,颇具理论和实践价值。


    Abstract: Walter Benjamin’s seminal essay “The Task of the Translator” is as cryptic and arcane as it is elaborate and sophisticated, and has been the subject of countless commentaries, criticisms, and reviews over the past century. Since Translation and Taboo, Douglas Robinson has frequently addressed the essay to contradict Benjamin’s mystical translation claims foreclosing on communication until his new book, Translation as a Form: A Centennial Commentary on Walter Benjamin’s “The Task of the Translator”, which is of great theoretical and practical value, as it, structured with commentarial units, and based on the premise of accepting Benjamin's theological mysticism, places “the Task” in multiple cultural-historical contexts and theoretical horizons, makes paragraph-by-paragraph commentaries on the whole essay with bountiful literature, incisive analyses, and novel viewpoints, proposes a series of new takes on Benjamin's metaphysics of translation such as “Translation is a ‘Platonic form’”, as well as offers the first interlinear version of the whole essay in accordance with Benjamin's ideal of all translation.


