
On the Basic and Interdisciplinary Research Path of Translation Theories

  • 摘要: “新文科”建设背景下,跨学科研究方法更自觉更具建制地渗入译论研究,推动了译学发展。本文立足译论固本之需与拓新之要,顺应跨科之势,设计出固本与跨科双轨并进、两相呼应的译论研究路线图。基于此,提出译论正本强基、译论跨科亲疏协同及译论固本与跨科互动循环三大路径,阐明其内在逻辑,拟为译论固本荣枝提供方法论支撑。


    Abstract: In the context of new liberal arts, interdisciplinary research methods have naturally and systematically infiltrated into theoretical research and promoted the development of translation studies as a whole. In order to consolidate basic translation theories and explore new perspectives in translation studies, this article proposes a research roadmap that integrates both basic and interdisciplinary approaches. To this end, three major parts are included: a foundation reinforcement of translation theories, cross-disciplinary collaboration with translation theories and an interactive cycle of the two parts. This article illustrates the internal logic of these parts and aims to provide methodological support for the consolidation and further development of translation theories.


