
Development of Theories and Models on Coarticulation in Western Countries: Overview, Questions and Future Directions

  • 摘要: 协同发音是所有人类话语中普遍存在的现象。西方学者早在19世纪就开始了对协同发音的研究,包括对其类型以及共性特征的研究。随着研究的深入,语言学家发现协同发音绝非单纯的语音过程,而是和语言的音系-语法系统密切相关,由此开始对其本质进行深刻反思,并尝试对其进行形式化描述,提出了众多理论模型。本文对1933年至今国外学者所提出的协同发音理论模型进行梳理归类,并对每一类中有代表性的理论模型进行简要介绍。此后,本文指出这些理论模型争论的焦点问题,比较了基于区别性特征理论和基于音姿理论的两类主要协同发音理论模型的优点和不足,最后指出今后协同发音理论发展的大致方向。


    Abstract: As a universal phenomenon in human speech, coarticulation started to draw the attention of Western scholars as early as the nineteenth century. While its classification and basic features have been clarified, in-depth studies in recent years have shown coarticulation to be a process more closely related with the phonology-grammatical system of a language than purely phonetic. Consequently, linguists began reflecting on the nature of coarticulation and sought to formalize coarticulatory processes, leading to the development of numerous theories and models. This paper summarizes major theories and models of coarticulation proposed by Western linguists since 1933, when the concept of coarticulation was first introduced. We categorize these theories into three broad groups and briefly introduce the most representative models within each category. The paper then highlights the key areas of dispute between these theories and models, comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the latter two major categories of theories, which are based on distinctive features and articulatory gestures respectively, in addressing these disputes. Finally, the paper points out the directions for the future development of theories and research on coarticulation.


