
Spatiality/Temporality Bleaching and the Subjectivity of the Chinese Topic-comment Construction

  • 摘要: 汉语既是话题凸显型语言,又是主观性凸显的语言,以前的研究很少将汉语的这两个特征关联起来,也没有仔细深入研究过话题构式主观性产生的理据。本研究从话题的空间性、述题的时间性的维度阐释时空性与汉语话题构式主观性的内在关联。本文把时空性视为一个由弱到强的连续体。话题的空间性越弱、述题的时间性越弱,该构式表达的主观性越强。时空性与话语的主观性在两个维度实现内在关联:1)时空性越弱,时空定位不断泛化,越接近思维与语言的虚拟性,越能实现认知上的主观能动性,主观性就越强;2)时空性越强,时空定位越准确,客观性就越强。


    Abstract: Mandarin Chinese is topic-prominent, and it also features subjectivity. However, previous researches have up to now never correlated these two features of Chinese, nor have they systematically examined the subjectivity of the topic-comment construction together with its motivation. The paper expostulates that the bleaching of the spatiality of the topic and the temporality of the comment paves the way for the construction’s subjectivity. In this paper spatiality and temporality are taken as a continuum, and the weaker they are, the more subjective the sentences are. Spatiality and temporality are correlated with subjectivity from two dimensions: spatiality and temporality bleaching makes the way for virtuality of thinking and linguistic operation on the one hand, and weak or vague grounding on the other, thus resulting in subjectivity.


