
Yan Huang’s Theoretical and Disciplinary Contributions to Pragmatics

  • 摘要: 本文分析黄衍对语用学的重要贡献。通过梳理黄衍发表的论文和著作,我们认为黄衍对语用学的贡献体现在理论思想和学科建设两个方面。理论思想方面,黄衍创立的新格赖斯语用回指理论不仅颠覆了Chomsky的句法回指分析模式,修正了Levinson的语用回指理论和发展了新格赖斯语用学,而且给语用-句法和语用-语义界面研究提供了新视角,是他留给语用学最重要的思想遗产。学科建设方面,在传承经典格赖斯语用学的基础上,黄衍对语用学性质与学科基础的论述、语用学疆界与研究内容的界定以及对相关术语与概念的阐释,有力推动了语用学作为语言学分支学科的进一步系统化。


    Abstract: This article is an analysis of Yan Huang’s contribution to pragmatics. On the basis of his publications, we conclude that Yan Huang’s contribution to pragmatics is two-fold: theoretical and disciplinary. On the theoretical side, his neo-Gricean pragmatic theory of anaphora is his most celebrated heritage to pragmatics. It not only undermines Chomsky’s syntactic model of anaphora, revises Levinson’s pragmatic model of anaphora and advances neo-Gricean pragmatics, but also brings novel perspectives on pragmatics-syntax and pragmatics-semantics interfaces. On the disciplinary side, Yan Huang’s explication of the nature and theoretical foundations of pragmatics, delimitation of the scope of pragmatics, and clarification of the terms and notions in pragmatics all help to further systematize pragmatics as a component of linguistics.


