
Pragmatics from a Cognitive Linguistic PerspectiveA Review of Introduction to Cognitive Pragmatics

  • 摘要: 本文对Klaus-Uwe Panther(2022)新著《认知语用学导论》(Introduction to Cognitive Pragmatics)进行内容述介与评价。该书从认知语言学的视角探讨语用学核心概念与研究议题,意在融合语言使用的认知语言学路径与当代语用学的研究范式,提出统一的认知语用学模型。该著作具有一定的理论导向和方法引领作用。语用与认知的融合,既补充完善了认知语言学,也丰富了语用学研究的视角和方法,有助于读者深入了解语言使用背后的认知机制。


    Abstract: This paper reviews Klaus-Uwe Panther’ s (2022) Introduction to Cognitive Pragmatics. The book discusses the key concepts and issues of pragmatics from a cognitive-linguistic perspective. It seeks for a blend of cognitive linguistics and pragmatics and offers a unified model of analysis. This monograph plays a leading role both in theoretical and methodological terms. The integration of pragmatics and cognitive linguistics is conducive to deepening cognitive linguistics research, and enriching the perspectives and methods in pragmatics study, and will shed light on the understanding of cognitive mechanisms in language use.


