
On Quantized Motion Durativity of Event

  • 摘要: 量子化的事件含有持续性、运动轨迹和运动方式范畴。本文探讨持续性,包括量子化过程中表现出来的不同类别及其量子特点,思路是量子语言观,出发点是现代汉语的动词系统。持续性指事件运动的延伸方式,涉及无时空因素的骤变类(如“死”)、周而复始的反复类(“摇摆”)、断后续上的接续类(“继续”)、不同事件的拼搭类(“译注”)、关注变化过程及其结果的趋变类(“变成”)、基于反复-接续-拼搭-趋变等一种到多种带持续特点的恒动类(“搜集”)、隐没动态性而凸显不变性和稳定性的状态类(“是”);这些类别几乎涉及所有的量子态,如纠缠、叠加、隧穿、跃迁、坍缩等,在范畴化中有显有隐;它们体现了量子化范畴的整体性、互补性和多重二象性。这一尝试可以为词汇语义学开启一种新的研究视野。


    Abstract: Quantized event category has the attributes of durativity, motion trajectory and motion mode. This paper, against the quantum view of language, discusses durativity based on Contemporary Mandarin, including different categories and quantum properties in the process of quantization. Durativity refers to stretching patterns of event motion, including (i) Transilient, sudden change of quality with no temporal or spatial extension, such as 死 (; die); (ii) Repetitive, iterative motion such as 摇摆 (yáobǎi; swing); (iii) Pickup, continuation of what was interrupted, stopped or broken down, as in 继续 (jìxù; continue or keep on); (iv) Collaging, piecing together of different events, related or not related, as in 译注 (yìzhù; translate and annotate); (v) Gradational, change from quantitative to qualitative, e.g. 变成 (biànchéng; become); (vi) Incessant, constant change characterized out of (more than) one of Repetitive, Pickup, Collaging and Gradational specifics, e.g. 收集 (shōují; collect); and (vii) Stative, persistent duration salient in state maintenance but underlain with dynamicality by subjective ascription, e.g. 是 (shì; be). They involve almost all quantum properties and states, such as entanglement, superposition, channeling, transition and collapse, some concealed and some overt, embodying holisticality, complementarity and multiple duality of quantized categories. The attempt may open up a new horizon for studying lexical semantics.


