Critical Genre Analysis:Theory, Application and Prospect
Graphical Abstract
Critical Genre Analysis (CGA), as a development and extension of Genre Analysis, is a multiperspective and multidimensional method of genre analysis, aiming at explaining academic or professional acts and professional practice in varied contexts.In recent years, with increasing studies on professional discourse and professional practice, CGA attracts more and more attention from experts and scholars at home and abroad, and the momentum continues unabated.The present paper reviews the literature on CGA, with an aim to provide references for the related studies in the future and to facilitate the development of CGA itself.It is pointed out that CGA, a brand new program which is rooted in the professional practice and conforms to the laws and tendencies of social development, has strong vitality.Although current studies of CGA are far from being satisfactory, there is a broad development prospect which is worth further endeavors from all directions.