Innovative Retranslation of Chinese Classics in the Digital Age
Graphical Abstract
In the digital age, with the development of new media technology, communication has undergone dramatic changes, so has the reading habit of readers.Accordingly, the translation of Chinese classics, as a kind of cross-cultural communication, is supposed to adapt to the new age, innovating its strategies of translation and publication.This paper examines the necessities of retranslating Chinese classics in digital age and explores the innovative model of classic retranslation with the support of digital technologies and collaboration between the translator and other subjects.It is proposed that to adapt to the changes in the means of communication and readers' reading habit, when translating Chinese classics, we can use hyperlinks to rearrange the text, putting the information into different layers and employ non-verbal modes as a supplementary to the verbal translation.Then the target text can be put into market through E-publication and online promotion.