A Comparative Study on Translator's Style of Rendering Hosseini's Novels: A Parallel Corpus Perspective
Graphical Abstract
Based on the parallel corpus of Hosseini's two novels, this paper aims at a comparative study on the styles of two translators, Li Jihong and Li Jingyi from the mainland and Taiwan of China respectively. It combines the source-text and target-text type of study from the linguistic and nonlinguistic perspectives. This research reveals that the two translators have shown a consistent style in their translations. Li Jihong prefers the translation strategy of domestication with the emphasis on the readability and fluency, while Li Jingyi is inclined to foreignization and reproduction of the information in the source texts. The reasons behind the differences can be traced to their translation principle and purpose as well as their social background. In addition, this paper finds that the two translators have made some customized adaptations in their translations, which are germane to some publication factors, including the publication date and translation duration. These causes and changes also allow no negligence in the study of their translation style.