
Universals of Time Marker Encoding

  • 摘要: 在同步时间关系中,人类语言对时间词的编码存在以下共性:(1)相对时间词的标志通常编码为零形式。(2)绝对时间词共用标志时遵循语义地图邻接性要求。"年"和"月"的时间标志倾向于编码为同一标志。(3)"年"的时间标志为零形式连续蕴含"月"的时间标志、"日"的时间标志为零形式。零形式标志以相对时间词为核心向绝对时间词扩展。


    Abstract: In synchronous time relationship, human languages share some characteristics in encoding time markers:(1) Time words of relative time tend to have zero marker; (2)Markers of absolute time on the conceptual hierarchy should abide by the adjacency principle."Year" and "month" tend to share the same marker; (3) If "year" is encoded with zero marker, "month" and "day" will consequently be encoded similarly.Zero marker is used in the extension from the core of relative time to absolute time.


