A Textual Approach to “Neo-Firthian Corpus Linguistics”
摘要: Sinclair作为一位卓越的语料库语言学家,其生前身后毁誉交加。本文针对McEnery & Hardie新版语料库语言学教材中对Sinclair的批评进行辩难。本文认为,强加给Sinclair "新弗斯语料库语言学"标签是错误的,教材中对Sinclair的意义单位思想与语料库驱动思想存在误读。本文旨在通过文献考证与讨论,澄清语料库驱动研究的基本思想和观点。Abstract: John Sinclair was a prominent corpus linguist and received both great admiration and criticisms in his academic life. This paper dwells on McEnery & Hardie's new textbook of corpus linguistics and challenges its criticism of Sinclair. The paper argues that the label "neo-Firthian Corpus Linguistics" was misassigned to Sinclair and that Sinclair's ideas of unit of meaning and corpus-driven research were misread. The paper attempts to clarify some basic positions and ideas of corpus driven research through literature research and discussion.