Reexamining the Paradigm of Cross-cultural Pragmatics and Its Possibility of Innovation
摘要: 本文在科学范式的概念基础上,主要回顾并检讨国内跨文化语用学研究的历史、研究计划、研究目标、所基于的理论基础和研究方法等,对照跨文化交际最新的理论成果,指出现存跨文化语用学研究目标不够清晰及理论运用不够全面等问题,并尝试在关系管理和关系操作理论整合观照下,结合对话及独白式的语料,探索跨文化语用学研究范式变革完善的可能性及变革后研究框架的广泛应用性,希望为跨文化语用学研究带来一些有益的启示,并扩大和加深跨文化语用学的研究范围及深度。Abstract: This paper explores the history, projects, objectives, theoretical basis and research methods of cross-cultural pragmatics study in China.In reference to the latest theoretical achievements in intercultural communication, the paper points out that the current research goal of cross-cultural pragmatics is not clear, and that the application of theories is not up to date.It finally attempts to adopt and adapt theories of rapport management and relational work in order to provide an innovated paradigm of cross-cultural pragmatics, which is proved to be feasible in analyzing wide-ranging discourses/genres, and will presumably deepen cross-cultural pragmatics research in the future.