
A Cognitive Account of Deviations in Arthur Waley's Translation of The Analects

  • 摘要: 国内学者对韦利《论语》英译研究虽然成果斐然,却大多集中于对其翻译风格和翻译水平进行评析,或从文化层面解释大的认知背景对韦利翻译的影响,甚少有学者论及韦利翻译过程中出现各种偏离现象的根本认知动因。本文借助认知语言学识解的相关原则,以韦利《论语》英译过程中出现各种偏离现象为切入点,从辖域、视角和突显的维度考察了译者主体性对原语文本的理解和译文输出的影响,解释了各种偏离产生的深层认知原因。研究表明,认知语言学的基本原理和方法对翻译理论的建设与实践具有很强的借鉴意义。


    Abstract: Although studies on Arthur Waley's translation of The Analects have achieved a lot, they merely concentrate on either commenting on the translation quality or analyzing the impact cognitive background has on his translation from the cultural perspective.Few probes into the essential cognitive motivation behind the deviations in Waley's translation.Taking deviation as a starting point, this paper explores how the translator's subjectivity works on the understanding of the source text as well as on the translating process from such dimensions as scope, perspective and salience, within the framework of the principles of construal.It is proved that principles and methodologies of Cognitive Linguistics contribute a lot to the development and application of translation theories.


