The Difference Between the Length of Adpositions and Conjunctions and Relator Principle of Light-Heavy—An Typology Study and Cross-language Survey
摘要: Dik(1978/1997)认为,介词、连词属于联系项范畴。文章以类型学理论为指导,从汉语中介词的长度比连词的长度短,而介词所介引的成分比连词所引成分轻这一现象出发,提出了联系项轻重原则,即联系项所联系成分越重,联系项也越重;反之,联系项所联系成分越轻,联系项也越轻。文章进一步通过两项调查对这一原则进行了验证,一是介、连词长对比的跨语言调查;二是对除介、连之外的其它联系项的调查。两项调查都证实了这一原则的普遍性。Abstract: According to Dik(1978/1997), both adpositions and conjunctions are kinds of relators.This paper firstly shows that the length of Chinese adpositions are shorter than that of conjunctions while the words(or phrase) which are conjuncted by the adposition are lighter than the clause which are conjuncted by the conjunctions.It follows that the heavier the sentence unit which the relator conjuncts, the longer the relator is.This rule is called Relator Principle of Light-Heavy in this paper.Then it inspects the Light-Heavy principle by a cross-language survey on adpositions and conjunctions and other relators.