
The Three Basic Principles of Classical Biolinguistics and Their Contemporary Relevance

  • 摘要: 回顾生物语言学史,文章把《句法结构》和《Skinner〈言语行为〉述评》视为现当代生物语言学的开端,把Meader&Muyskens所从事的研究及完成的《生物语言学手册》所蕴含的思想称为经典生物语言学。能量、整合和浮现是经典生物语言学提出的三大原则。文章在能量原则的基础上提出了"语言能"的概念,分析了整合和浮现的性质以及三大原则之间的辩证关系,并建立了这三大原则与现当代生物语言学的关联。


    Abstract: This paper looks back upon the history of biolinguistics, and views Syntactic Structures and A Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior as the starting point of contemporary biolinguistics. The author points out that the research carried out by Meader & Muyskens and the thoughts contained in Handbook of Biolinguistics are classical biolinguistics where they put forward three basic principles, i.e. energy, integration and emergence. The paper develops the energy principle by proposing a new concept of "language energy", then analyzes properties of integration and emergence principles as well as dialectical relationship among the three basic principles. Finally, it reveals their contemporary relevance.


