The Developmental Features of Citation Competence in L2 Academic Writing: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Evidence
摘要: 现有的国际引证研究多从引用的策略功能和文本形式两个角度来分析,未能系统考察学术写作引证能力的构成及发展。本次研究首先从引证的内容、人际和语篇三个维度,界定学术写作引证能力的构念,然后结合国际专家的论文引证特征,通过截面比较和历时个案分析,探究我国本硕博英语学习者学术写作中引证能力的发展特征。结果显示:(1)引证的全面性不断提高,但是论文不同部分的引证重点不够明确。(2)引证的人际互动能力仅在博士阶段获得较好的发展,引证关联度有所加强。(3)语篇融入能力没有显著进步,引证的文本方式倾向于凸显被引人的身份与观点。历时个案分析进一步发现个体差异的存在。研究结果对构建二语学术写作能力理论、加强研究方法和教学实践具有启示意义。Abstract: The existing literature on citation use generally focuses on the rhetorical functions and textual forms of citations in research writing, hence a lack of systematic look into the citation competence and developmental features on the part of student writers.The present study first defines the constructs of citation competence from its ideational, interpersonal and textual dimensions.By cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis in the comparison of student writing with professional writing, the study explores the developmental features of citation competence in the Chinese BA, MA and PhD theses of applied linguistics.The study finds that (1) the ideational aspect of citation keeps increasing, but the focus of what to cite seems unclear in each section of the research writing.(2) The interpersonal aspect does not develop until students reach the doctoral stage when they are able to enhance connections between sources.(3) The textual competence does not progress significantly.The longitudinal case study further reveals individual differences.The results have some implications for theorizing L2 academic writing, strengthening research methodology and improving writing pedagogy.