
Multi-voiced Fugue Strategy for Canon Exegesis and Its Implications for Chinese Classics "Going-out"—Taking Legge's commentaries on Guanju in The She King as the case

  • 摘要: 对理雅各《关雎》注释与中国历代注疏的比较分析表明:"多声部赋格"是理雅各《诗经》跨文化诠释的一个突出策略,该策略在内容上着意呈现中国经史文献就同一文本的不同诠释观点,在文本编织上与中国历代注疏文献密切互文,同时技巧性地植入理氏对不同注疏观点的比较评论。这一策略帮助理雅各成功地将中国经义进行跨文化重构,并传递了中国经学话语范式特征,体现出理氏《诗经》跨文化诠释的"经注"定位。理氏这一经验提示我们中国经典跨文化传播宜立足传统经学成果、重视"文本辩读"学术释译、开展跨学科协同研究。


    Abstract: A comparative textual analysis of the commentaries on Guanju by Legge and those from traditional Chinese exegesis reveals a multi-voiced fugue strategy in Legge's meaning construction of Chinese classics with stylistic traits of Chinese commentaries, quoting and comparing different voices from commentators of different times and showing a historicized ongoing dialogue between the classics and society.Legge as a western Ru, therefore, has achieved a cross-cultural reconstruction of Chinese classics as canon exegesis.The findings suggest that cross-cultural communication of Chinese classics should take traditional Chinese classic studies as its foundation, text reasoning as its discourse strategy and cross-disciplinary perspective as its approach towards interpretive academic translation to present the local knowledge of Chinese cultural fabrics.


