
Quantification in Early Mandarin Children's Language

  • 摘要: 基于自然语料和实验语料,以全称量化与存在量化的对比为主线,本研究报告了普通话儿童语言初始阶段量化习得的次序,即存在量化的习得早于全称量化;对个体量化的习得早于对可能世界的量化;A-量词的习得早于D-量词;还讨论了决定早期量化习得的因素,即量化词语意义的抽象程度、命题真值计算的复杂程度、不同语言辖域指派的个性特点以及儿童语用知识的丰富程度。


    Abstract: Based on naturalistic data and experimental results, this study explores the effect on early language acquisition which results from the distinction between universal quantification and existential quantification.The existential quantifier is acquired by Mandarin children earlier than the universal quantifier, while the words quantifying individual entities earlier than those quantifying over possible worlds and D-quantifier earlier than A-quantification.The three sequences are determined by the abstractness in quantificational meaning, the difficulty in calculating the truth value of a proposition containing a quantifier, language-particular principles workable in assigning scope readings and the maturity of children's pragmatic knowledge.


