
On Studies of Sign Language Phonology and Its Theoretical Models

  • 摘要: 手语作为视觉-手势通道的自然语言,在上世纪60年代以后走进语言学家的视野。本文主要阐述手语音系50余年来的研究成果,从音位、特征、制约条件、韵律层级结构等方面阐释了手语音系系统及其研究。手语语言学的建立得益于手语音系单位-音位的确立,手语音系在此基础上不断发展深化,并借鉴非线性音系学理论成果,逐渐成为了理论语言学研究不可或缺的一门学科。文章着重对手语音系研究的三个重要理论模型:“HT模型”、“依存模型”和“韵律模型”作了比较和评述,系统地展现了手语音系研究的方法与内容。


    Abstract: As a natural language in the visual-manual modality, sign language has attracted linguists' attention since the 1960s.This paper aims to describe the theoretical achievements in the field of sign language phonology, including phonemes, features, constraints and prosodic hierarchy.Sign linguistics is mainly established on the discovery of the phonological unit in sign languages—phoneme.The study of sign language phonology has developed significantly in light of non-linear phonological theories and has become an indispensable subject in theoretical linguistic studies.This paper compares the three important phonological models of sign language: the HT Model, the Dependency Model and the Prosodic Model, and systematically demonstrates the methods and contents of sign language phonology studies.


