
Interpreting Jin Yuelin's Translation Thought from the Perspective of Theory of Knowledge

  • 摘要: 金岳霖的翻译思想是其哲学思想的一个组成部分,翻译研究者需要细读整部 《知识论》,通过部分与整体的理解循环才能把握其全貌。文章运用知识论的理论框架,从知识论的研究对象、方法论、立场和语言观四个方面解读了知识论与翻译之间的关系,并力图客观评价金岳霖翻译思想的贡献与局限性。


    Abstract: Translation researchers need a close reading of Theory of Knowledge before they can get a comprehensive understanding of Jin Yuelin's translation thought which is an integral part of Jin's philosophical thought.This paper, with the help of the hermeneutical theory, interprets Jin's translation thought within the framework of theory of knowledge in terms of its research object, methodology, stance, and linguistic view.On this basis, the author tries to make an objective comment on his contributions and limitations.


