
A Corpus-aided Study of Translating Metaphorical Mind Style and Literary Re-characterization: A Case Study of Du Liniang inThe Peony Pavilion

  • 摘要: 思维风格是人物形象塑造的重要载体。本文以《牡丹亭》语料库和杜丽娘隐喻思维风格子库为基础,系统考察了汉学家白之和汪榕培先生在英译杜丽娘本我、自我、超我型隐喻思维风格时的操作规范及其对人物形象塑造的影响。研究发现:1)移植和明示是两位译者使用频率最高的操作规范;2)白译本偏爱移植,注重保留隐喻表达,所塑造的杜丽娘真挚、温婉、细腻;汪译本偏爱明示,所重塑的杜丽娘更加热情、直白、奔放;3)相同的隐喻映射机制决定了两译本的共性,不同的意象英译理念导致了不同的翻译操作规范,进而影响着杜丽娘人物形象的重塑。


    Abstract: Mind style is an indispensable part of characterization. Drawing on the Chinese-English parallel corpus of The Peony Pavilion and its sub-corpus of metaphorical mind style, this paper investigates the operational norms observed by Cyril Birch and Wang Rongpei when they translate the ego, id, and super-ego types of metaphorical mind style of Du Liniang from Chinese into English. The results show that 1) transplantation and explicitation are the most frequently observed operational norms in translation; 2) Birch prefers transplantation and has constructed a sincere, restless but reserved Du Liniang similar to that in the source text, whereas Wang favors explicitation, and has reshaped Du Liniang as a bolder, more straightforward and sensuous girl than that in the source text; 3) the same metaphorical mapping mechanism accounts for two translators’ common choice of transplantation and explicitation, however, their different views on translating images result in different priorities of operational norms and thus reconstructing different characters of Du Liniang.


