
The Emerging Chinese Discourse in Times of Global Turbulence

  • 摘要: 西方学术总是带着偏见看待中国话语。"中国威胁论""政府人民对立论""政府操纵媒体论""中国称霸论"都是典型代表。(逆)全球化时代,究竟应该如何理解中国话语,中国话语有何语境,有何特征,有何规律,跨文化交际应该如何展开?本文提出,必须从文化、历史和现实语境的角度解读中国话语;这样不难看出,"霸权语境""变化发展""平衡和谐""天下融通""虚实相生"等等,是当代中国话语的重要方面和方略,同时也是中国突破西方大国围堵、实现国家战略目标、构建人类命运共同体的机遇和资源。


    Abstract: The present article argues that it behooves to take a historically and culturally conscious and critical perspective and pay attention to the Chinese local-global context, dynamics, principles and strategies of communication.Accordingly and alternatively, the paper canvasses present-day Chinese discourse as characterized by a still repressive but increasingly flexed environment, comprehensive change, harmony-mindedness and form-and-meaning discrepancy and suggests how China may mobilize these characteristics in the attainment of its strategic goals.


