
A Chronological Study of Translation Discourse in the Paratexts of English Translations of Classical Chinese Poetry

  • 摘要: 翻译话语指的是在翻译实践基础上产生的所有直接或间接有关翻译的陈述。本文从副文本视角考察16至19世纪古典汉诗英译催生的丰富的翻译话语,发现它经历了两个发展阶段。16至18世纪是传说期:汉诗英译翻译话语产生于西方想象中国之精神需要,它形式上多来自正文,内容上为道听途说来的汉诗之特点。19世纪是典范确立期:西方殖民事业需要了解中国,以德庇时、理雅各和翟理斯为代表的三种翻译话语典范得以形成,内容涵盖译者的文化立场、翻译目的、选材标准、翻译方法和读者对象。研究表明,为回应理解中国这一实际需要,汉诗英译最重要的不在于诗歌形式,而是如何忠实传达中国人的情感。


    Abstract: Translation discourse refers to any statements which are related to and based upon translating.From the 16th century to the 19th, translation of classical Chinese poetry produces rich translation discourses in paratexts.Research shows that from the 16th century to the 18th, the translation discourses, more from texts of translated classical Chinese poetry, were more rumors than facts, but in service of the West's spiritual quest for any knowledge of China and its culture; in the 19th century, when British Empire's enterprise of expanding colonialism in the Orient heightened a realistic need of understanding China, three predominant models of translation discourses took their shape in James Legge, Francis Davis and Herbert Giles' translations.Such discourses consist of statements as to who select what and how to translate for whom.To conclude, the challenge and difficulty in translating classical Chinese poetry lie less in how to transplant its form than in how to interpret China faithfully and communicate real Chinese sentiment to the west in an increasingly globalized world.


