
Moral Foreign Language Effect on Chinese EFL Learners’ Sentence Comprehension and Its Underlying Mechanism

  • 摘要: 在道德窘境中,双语者用外语比用母语做出功利性决策的比率更高,这一现象被称作“道德外语效应”。但是以往研究大多是离线测量,缺少在线加工的证据。因此,本文采用自定步速阅读这一在线测量方法,探究中国英语学习者在句子理解中的道德外语效应及其加工机制,并加入外语熟练度这一变量来对道德外语效应的存在进行多维度考察。结果显示:在关键词位置,与正确句相比,道德违背句和语义违反句均需更长的阅读时间,而且语义违反句的阅读时间要长于道德违背句;更为重要的是,在句尾词位置,出现了组别和违反类型的交互效应。在母语语境下,道德违背句的反应时明显长于正确句,然而在外语语境下,无论受试外语水平的高低,阅读道德违背句和正确句的反应时没有明显差别。这一结果表明:1)中国英语学习者在自然语言理解过程中存在明显的道德外语效应,其适用范围可以扩展到日常道德违规情景,并且外语效应不受外语熟练度的影响;2)道德外语效应可能由情绪加工弱化引起:外语语境弱化了社会道德违规行为引发的情感厌恶,因此个体对道德违规行为的判断更加宽容。这启示我们在日常生活中,应辩证看待外语的影响。


    Abstract: In moral dilemmas, bilinguals exhibit a higher rate of rational decision-making when using a foreign language compared to their native language. This phenomenon is known as the “moral foreign language effect”. However, prior studies have predominantly relied on offline measures, providing limited insight into the effect’s online processing dynamics. Therefore, this study employed self-paced reading, an online measurement method, to investigate the moral foreign language effect and its processing mechanism in Chinese EFL learners’ sentence comprehension, incorporating foreign language proficiency as a variable for a multidimensional examination of the foreign language effect. Results showed that as the critical words both moral and semantic violations required longer response time compared to correct sentences, with semantic violations taking longer response time than moral violations. More importantly, an interaction between violation type and group emerged at the sentence-final words. In the native language context, response time for moral violations was significantly longer than correct sentences. In contrast, in the foreign language context, there was no significant difference in response time between moral violations and correct sentences, irrespective of foreign language proficiency. These findings demonstrate that 1) Chinese EFL learners exhibit the moral foreign language effect during natural language comprehension, which can extend to everyday moral violations and is not modulated by foreign language proficiency; 2) the moral foreign language effect may be caused by weakened emotional processing. Specifically, using a foreign language diminishes the emotional aversion triggered by moral violations, leading to greater tolerance in moral judgment. This suggests that, in daily life, we should take a dialectical view of the impact of foreign languages.


